Let me take you on a dream journey.
Imagine: You walk through the vineyards. The intense green of the leaves is slowly changing in a golden orange. Autumn is coming. Harvest is over. The mist covers the landscape softly like a blanket. Everything is calm.
But then, you see it: Horribly rotten, withered and dead. A grapevine, which is hopelessly afflicted by ESCA*!
You instantly take your scissors and start to cut it all off, violently. Until nothing rests but the root. At the end you also tear out the root. No mercy!
At the end you contemplate your work: Well done!
You continue your walk. Peaceful and calm.
*Esca- a collection of mushrooms, which besets the vines root. A lethal illness for a grapevine. All that rests is a brown dried and dead piece of wood.